TCX Plot Privacy Policy


The privacy of users is important to TCX Plot (hereinafter referred to as "the Service"). This Privacy Policy is designed to inform users about how the Service uses, protects, and discloses the information gathered through the Service.

Acceptance of the Privacy Policy

By using the Service, users accept the terms of this Privacy Policy. If a user does not agree with this Privacy Policy, they are advised not to use the Service.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. Any modifications will be effective upon being posted on the Service's website. Users are encouraged to frequently review the Privacy Policy for any changes.

Permissions Requested by the Service

The Service uses Google's system to verify the identity of users when they log in. To facilitate this, it asks for certain permissions related to your Google Account:

  • The Service requests permission to access your Google Drive. This enables the Service to save and manage files directly in your Drive by responding to user interface commands that the user initiates. The Service only uses these permissions to allow the users to manage resources on their own Google Drive through the Service. The Service does not perform any operations on the user's Google Drive unless initiated by a user command.
  • The Service requests permission to access your email address. However, the Service does not store your email to permanent storage.
  • The Service requests permission to access your basic Google profile information. This includes a link to your profile picture, which is utilized solely for the purpose of enhancing your user experience by displaying it within the TCXPlot interface. Every time you log in, your profile information is refreshed.

How the Information is Used

The Service uses the users Google Account profile information to enhance the functionality of the Service and improve the user experience. The Service does not store any personal information, such as email addresses or profile pictures, but rather uses them to facilitate user interactions with the Service.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

The Service does not share or disclose any user information unless specifically requested by the user. For instance, the Service will only save files to your Google Drive or delete files from it when you initiate these actions through the Service's user interface.

The Service's use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.


The Service places a high importance on the security of user information. It implements appropriate measures to protect the information collected through the Service.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to reach out directly via email at